
Näak ist Ihre Ernährung auf der Strecke bei der UTMB World Series.

Bewahren Sie Ihren Spielplatz.

Jeder Einkauf, den Sie tätigen, bewirkt eine positive Veränderung.

Sie inspirieren uns. Sie werden Sie inspirieren.

Der ultimative Leitfaden zum Erreichen Ihrer Ultra-Ausdauerziele.

Stärken Sie Ihren Geist mit Ernährungstipps und mehr.

Entdecken Sie köstliche und nahrhafte Rezepte.

They are writing the history of our sport.

They aim to reach the summits.

The champions of tomorrow.

Community, Sharing, Passion.

They inspire us. They will inspire you.

Get your custom nutrition & hydration plan.

The ultimate guide to reach your ultra endurance goals.

Fuel your mind with nutrition tips and more.

Discover delicious and nutritious recipes.



I grew up competing in cross-country skiing and had my first proper season of trail running in 2021. I enjoy long days exploring new trails and places. Xreid 2021 was my first proper ultra trail, covering 115km with lots of off-trail sections. This race marked my initial experience running for over 10 hours, and everything went well. I ended up winning the race. It was a truly inspiring experience.


  • Nice Côte d'Azur 50K by UTMB 2023 — 3rd Place
  • Fjällmaratonveckan Årefjällen 50K 2023 — 6th Place
  • Mozart 100 by UTMB 2023 — 2nd Place

Describe Näak in 3 words?

For me, Näak in three words would be : professional, sustainable, and ultra.

What are you passionate about outside of trail running?

I have two passions outside of trail running. Of course, the first one is cross-country skiing, the sport in which I grew up competing. My second passion is skimo.

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