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Gabrielle-Anne Désy

Gabrielle-Anne Désy

Gabrielle-Anne Désy

Obstacle race - Naak Athlete

Gaby started obstacle races in 2013. In 2016, she podiumed several times, including one at Battlefrog New England (US) where she was first place female Elite. She qualified for the 2016 world obstacle course challenge in Blue Mountain, ON. Gaby's goals for this year are to be among the top elite females in the world.

Notable Results or Accomplishments:

  • Qualifier, 2016 World Obstacle Course Racing Championships

What do you think about the Naak bar?

I love the texture of Naak bars and the strong orange flavour. And, unlike other protein bars I've tried, I found it very filling. I'm also helping the environment, rather than encouraging the cattle industry and whey production.

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