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With the arrival of winter and cold temperatures we can sometimes unconsciously change our diet. However, a good diet remains essential in winter. It must provide the athlete with enough energy during the effort, to maintain a constant body temperature and to recover well after training. Here are 5 tips prepared especially for you by our nutrition specialist.

1. In winter, stay hydrated!

Because it is colder and we sweat less, we often think (wrongly) that we need to drink less during our winter training. However, despite the low temperatures, and even if we don't necessarily feel like it, it is imperative to drink in order to stay hydrated. Indeed, it is proven that during a one-hour long race, our body needs optimal hydration.

TIP: to prevent your bottle from freezing during your winter training, use a small insulated pocket or put your bottle in your coat.

2. In winter, eat a little more!

You may already know this, but when the temperatures drop, our caloric expenditure increases. Thus, in winter when it is obviously colder, our energy expenditure is higher. In other words, for the same level of effort, our body has to work harder to maintain a stable temperature. Doing sports in cold weather therefore requires eating a little more (without excess), in order to provide our body with enough energy to regulate our temperature.

3. In winter, keep eating carbohydrates during long efforts!

Just like in summer, during long-lasting efforts (over 60 minutes), our muscles will exhaust their glycogen reserves. Therefore, to avoid running out of energy, make sure to consume carbohydrates during such efforts.

4. In winter, avoid foods that freeze!

Winter and its low temperatures can be misleading. Avoid being fooled by bringing food that will freeze on a long outing.

TIP: If you don’t already know it yet, Näak bars have been specially designed to avoid freezing, even during your long training sessions outside in very low temperatures.

ANOTHER TIP: to prevent your food from freezing, keep it as close as possible to your warm body, in the pockets of your under-layers and not directly in your coat pockets.

5. In winter, eat after a workout!

Recovery remains crucial, even in winter! It is important to keep eating well after physical exertion. The goal is to ingest protein and carbohydrates within 30 minutes of a workout to promote muscle recovery.

Maintenant, vous savez tout ! Vous pouvez continuer à vous entraîner en hiver tout en conservant une alimentation saine ! N'hésitez pas à essayer les Näak bars si vous avez besoin de collations qui n'en ont pas. Ne gèlez pas pendant vos entraînements hivernaux !

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