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Maxime Loiselle

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Maxime Loiselle

Sailing - Naak Athlete

Maxime Loiselle is captain of the competitive Max Marine team. When he was five years old, he tried windsurfing for the first time. Then, at the age of 12, he stepped onto a sailboat at the Centre Nautique de Châteauguay—he was hooked and started competing. In 2002, he shifted his focus to a new vessel: the F-18 catamaran. By 2006, he had many wins under his belt: provincial champion, Canadian champion and member of the best Canadian team at various North American and international championships. Currently, Maxime is on the 2020 Olympic trail, where he hopes to represent Canada in the multihull class in Tokyo.

Notable Results or Accomplishments:

  • 4-time Canadian F18 catamaran champion
  • 7 provincial competitive sailing titles
  • World record holder: "Grand Raid Pont à Pont Montréal - Québec" in 11h48min01sec

What do you think about the Naak bar?

During the Grand Raid Pont à Pont Montréal-Québec, I had the chance to try Naak bars and I was very impressed. Competitive sailors rarely use energy bars, but this was a revelation. From now on, I will be using these bars for their practicality and the tangible results they produce. Thank you Naak!

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